Zodiac Signs As Boyfriend Ranked From Best to Worst

Zodiac signs determine various qualities, such as strengths, weaknesses, characteristics, and personalities. If you have ever wondered where your sign ranks in terms of date-ability, we’ve got you covered – both you and your man! Continue reading to know Zodiac Signs As Boyfriend Ranked From Best to Worst.

1. Scorpio

While Scorpio men do not have a very good reputation for their deep and complicated nature, they still top this list because of their charismatic and charming aura. If you succeed in winning over the heart of a Scorpio man, you will forever have all his love, dedication, and devotion to you.

Scorpio men are the most loyal of all the zodiac signs and make the best boyfriend. While they have many complex layers, they have a heart of gold beneath that surface. They will definitely understand and respect your space as they need the same. They are known for their brutally honest tongue but even if they disturb you with some honesty, they will do anything to make it up to you and keep you happy.

2. Gemini

Geminis fall in love pretty quickly and have the nature of confidently telling someone how they see a future with that person. A Gemini man is the epitome of a true gentleman, as everything they do is well-mannered and respectful. Their best qualities include their listening skills and their empathy. They will disappoint you as a boyfriend, which is why they come 2nd on this list. As a boyfriend, Gemini men will always motivate you to achieve everything you desire and do better than you ever thought it was possible.

3. Libra

Libra’s are the most peaceful people of all the signs. A Libra man in a relationship will always try to avoid a brawl or a fight. They know to pick their battles wisely. He is known to be charming and flirty and absolutely loves to be the center of attention. He will probably have a nomad phase in his life where he won’t make a good boyfriend. But at his mature phase, dating him would be bliss as he will have all the qualities to be a perfect boyfriend.

At this phase, he will have no problem giving commitments or settling with the person he loves. He will put all his might into making her happy and will want peace and harmony at some time. Also, they are the funniest and most entertaining signs of all, which would keep all the women hooked!

4. Aries

Aries men may come across as arrogant and cocky, but it is all an act. They like to portray themselves in such a way as to get attention and test the strength of their better half. They will never want to end up with a weak woman. Once you break the shield against them, you will get to see a side to him that other people never will. Once he is head over heels in love with you, he will change from bossy to compromising in almost no time. He has his righteousness— he is mettlesome, the perpetual optimist, and very loyal.

5. Cancer

Cancer men are golden-hearted and wear their hearts on their sleeves. They make decisions with their heart and not their head which, at times, leads them to end up with the wrong woman. But once they find the right person, they shower them with unconventional love and treat them better than anyone else in their life. Cancer men have the tendency to spoil their women with endless love, gifts, and affection. It is the relationship that will change all your standards.

6. Leo

Leo men are hopeless romantics. While they come across as hard and tough, they believe in love more than any other sign, and they will do everything by the standards of every book and movie to ensure their special someone feels loved and special. Leo men will always give all they have even if they don’t receive the same in return because a woman’s happiness makes up their own.

Leo men consider the support of a strong, loving woman standing next to them the most valuable aspect of life. You can blindly count on them, always.

7. Aquarius

Aquarius men are the most uncanny but funniest of all the signs. They are non-adhering and individualistic and sometimes just live in their own world. They do not make the best boyfriend just because they are not in tune with others. Neither do they make the worst as they do try really hard to be in tune with others. If you find yourself falling for an Aquarius man, you will have to be the one making every first move- they lack confidence and do not pick up on signals easily.

When you date one, you will always be the one making the decisions in the relationship, which you might not prefer, but the good part is- they will do whatever you tell them to!

8. Sagittarius

Sagittarius men have a tough time with relationships because they do not like conventionality. They hate the idea of being tied down and crave freedom more than anything. They do not commit easily, but once they meet someone who will love them in a way that they do not feel caged, they will look at it as a whole new adventure. A Sagittarius man becomes the best version of himself once in love, but being in that kind of love is difficult for him.

9. Capricorn

Capricorns have skyrocketing expectations about every aspect of their life, including relationships. They like to be the ones in charge of controlling situations and making every decision. They often add pressure on their partner to meet their standards. Their perfect significant other is someone they can boss around and someone who is unresisting. While they have the best and clear intentions, their arrogance certainly gets them in trouble.

10. Virgo

Virgos are the most jealous of all the signs and have the worst temper. They lose control over situations when they get mad. They have the irritating habit of bringing up things from the past in your present fights and just use anything they can to take you down. Though they always come back and apologize for their behavior, their acid tongues make loving and forgiving them difficult.

11. Taurus

Taurus men are tough to be in a relationship with. They focus much more on their career and family than relationships. So when you find a Taurus man you are interested in, you might find yourself uncertain of where you stand in his life. He might act like your boyfriend, but he will not put that label on your relationship until he is sure he can spend the rest of his life with you.

They are not into casual dating and tend to determine a lot of aspects before committing. Because they are so focused on themselves, they are quite hard to adjust with.

12. Pisces

Undoubtedly, Pisces men are the most sensitive of all the signs. They tend to get attracted to people who are completely opposite of them. This makes relationships hard for them because conflicts naturally arise in such relationships. They choose insensitive and reluctant partners but get hurt when their partners can’t relate to their sensitivity. However, they can be a great partner when they find the right person who understands them.

Most of the time, they live in their own world of fantasies, thinking and feeling everything way too deeply, which is often overwhelming for most people. It is not that they themselves make a bad boyfriend, but they choose the wrong people that bring out the worst in them- the qualities of jealousy and insecurity. 

Also, you may like reading Tips For Dating A Cancerian Woman.

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