I wonder to myself, how have you been

The stars still shine as bright, the sun warms the world up, right?
The icy numb nights keep me up often with a thought undying
I have been moving on but how have you been?
Don’t the promise of eternal love shake you often?
Don’t the thoughts of our parted ways leave you sighing?
Has the truth of the world stopped stomping?
Or it was just another lie you made to get back at me?

People say the things that don’t matter don’t hurt.
I have been a pessimist, darling
Then tell me why does my heartache?
You were shallow, I was broken.
It was never meant to be.
How did we fall blindly from that lining?

I gave our separation wrapped in so many grimes.
It made me realize,
I should’ve chopped the thread when there was still time.

Underlying the shadow of my broken heart
I ponder about a restart.
It sometimes grow a smell like a rotten art.
But where does the heart go to revivify?
After all, for you, my soul had an admiring eye.

I was a pessimist, darling.
I always saw this coming.
Neither would I have stopped it from happening in another timeline
Nor would I have hopped from the misery you brought to my mind.

Further, you may love reading, The Agony of Love


Ye Kya Bat Hai Pyar Me?

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