Galaxy Watch 4 – The Hyped Disappointment?

Since the initial leaks, Galaxy Watch 4 has been the star in the eyes of all Samsung fans and Apple wear haters. As per the leaks, this watch was going to be the best smartwatch by Samsung in the history of all wearables. But is it?

According to the leaks, this watch was going to be a legitimate child of Samsung and Google, therefore the hype was understandable. I would be lying if said that I didn’t meticulously saw the launch event as my eyes burns down to ashes while I stick them close to the screen. I can even admit that I pre-ordered Galaxy Watch 4 within the next minute as it became available in my country. After all, it was meant to be the best smartwatch ever made.

As a Galaxy Active 2 user, I was keen to test this new Galaxy Watch 4 to its limit. Galaxy Active 2 was just a mere Tizen smartwatch, but GW4 has Wear OS 3. In other words, it is a true Android watch that should have all the advantages of Active2 and yet none of its flaws. But no, as the world is not perfect, neither is Galaxy Watch 4. To be honest it is actually worse when it comes to fitness tracking. Here are a few too many problems that I face when I use our beloved Galaxy Watch 4.

Glitchy Heart-rate Monitoring in Galaxy Watch 4

Who would have thought that a smartwatch would fail to perform a task which is a basic requirement for any watch to complete if it wants to be called a smartwatch?

Heart-rate Monitoring in Galaxy Watch 4

I work out almost an hour every day, and heart rate monitoring is something that I rely on to check whether I am in the right HR zone or not. I don’t have a weak heart but this is just something I like to fancy. Well, throughout my workout I can see the HR data is always missing for almost 50% of my total session.

As per the developers on XDA and tech enthusiasts on Reddit, this could just be an algorithm issue that can be fixed with a wee little update. There has been no official statement from Samsung related to this “issue”. I hope this is not happening because of faulty sensors or else the majority of us are doomed.

Inaccurate Sleep-tracking in Galaxy Watch 4

As much as I love working out, I need my full 5 hours of sleep with 2 power naps of 1 hour each every day. Tracking my sleep is pretty important as I want to be sure that I have got good enough sleep to last all day without a cup of coffee.

Sleep-tracking in Galaxy Watch 4

Well, Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 kind of fails here. When I say “kind of“, I mean “kind of”, as sleep tracking usually depends on feeding the data of the accelerometer to the sleep tracking algorithm, therefore it lacks accuracy. But the accuracy of GW4 is way behind adequate. GW4 often misses the Deep sleep record and minor movements may spike the graph to Awake Phase. Compared to Samsung’s sleep tracking algorithm, Honor’s TruSleep algorithm is far better. Here is a detailed video about it.

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Oblivious Tech-support from Samsung

Calling them oblivious is a bit too much. But the way they answer queries makes me feel like I am asking a toddler to explain Differential Calculus. They are completely unaware of the regions that support their proprietary apps, yet it is not stopping them to misguide a customer.

Here are some of my queries and the response from the tech-support staff:

Query: “Is the camera controller app available in India for GW4 and the phone I have is Galaxy M51?”

Response: “Yes sir, the camera controller app is available in your region on GW4 and it should work with your phone.”

Fact: No, the camera controller app is only available with GW4 only if it is paired with selected high-range Samsung smartphones.

Query: “Is the Samsung Pay available in India for GW4 and the phone I have is Galaxy M51?”

Response: “Yes sir, the Samsung Pay is available in your region for GW4 but it is not supported by your phone model therefore it won’t work unless you upgrade to a newer model that supports SPay.”

Fact: No, SPay is not available for Wearables in India, this is not Samsung’s fault, it is happening because the Govt. hasn’t approved yet.


Galaxy Watch 4 Appearance

This watch was probably released in a hurry, just like iPhone 13 and Cyberpunk 2077. It is a good watch, it has a stylish build, crisp display, sturdy bands, and above all, Wear OS 3. But I don’t think it was ready to be released this early. Samsung has fixed few problems like overheating while on calls, the touch bezel not working properly, and the connection problem of other wearables to GW4.

There is hope that all these problems will be fixed in some time. But this watch doesn’t stand up to its hype.

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