Easy Steps To Write SEO Friendly Content

A blog or an article loses its significance when it is not written in a flawless format. To ensure the reach of your blog, you must ensure authentic and SEO-friendly content. There are so many websites available today that will tell you in detail how to ensure high-quality walks hand in hand with SEO-friendly content. However, it might be stressful to read all those paragraphs So, today I am going to tell you in small steps how you can compose an article in the best possible ways. So, dive in to learn Easy Steps To Write SEO Friendly Content.

These steps will help you compose on WordPress.

Topic Selection

Selection of topic is the first pillar of the content. In the steps to write SEO friendly content, the topic determines both the interest of the reader and the capability of your piece.

As it is the most crucial part, ensure it is unique and yet interesting to your reader. For example- “8 Must-try Resolution For Women in 2021”. Once you decide on the new topic, do a quick research. Use sites like BUZZSUMO to ensure a topic that the audience did or would interact with. 

Main title

The main title plays the most important role in making the reader sit for a second and invest their time in your content. Make sure the title is easy to read and interpret. It should say what your topic consists of. It should speak and stimulate your reader to come to your site. For example, Who is your Spirit Animal According to Your Zodiac Sign, Cancerian Women- Wild Truth About Them, By a Cancerian. 



Keyphrase is the bait as well as target hint for the google crawler. It will help the reader to just type one word for example- Spirit Animal to jump to our blog. Before you start writing the blog, decide your keyphrase. Now the proper way to use a keyphrase is as follows (Here, keyphrase and Keywords would be linked)

  • Selection Of Keyphrase- Select the keyphrase wisely. For example, if your title says Who is your Spirit Animal According to Your Zodiac Sign, make Spirit Animal According to Your Zodiac your keyphrase. It will work phenomenology to ensure a wide set of target audiences. Additionally, it should not be more than 4-5 words.
  • Counts of Keyphrase- The number of keyphrases depends on the length of your content. However, for a hint, if you are going to write a blog of 800 words, insert your keyphrase at least 4 times. It should indulge in your content seamlessly. Yet, be highlighted at least once.
  • Visibility of Keyphrase- You must include your keyphrase in 
  • Main Title 
  • Sub Headings (at least twice) 
  • URL or SLUG
  • SEO Title 
  • Meta Description
  • ALT. Text of your image. 

NOTE: NEVER FORCE YOUR KEYPHRASE IN THE HEADINGS. As long as your content is enriched with the information you promise in your main title, your content will get its target audience.


The keyword is a vital element of content. Using keywords wisely supports your content to another height. Use tools like SERPSTAT and ANSWER THE PUBLIC for keyword research.


Each heading and sub-heading of your content gives direction to your content. It can make you take a right to the target audience. Thus, choose your heading carefully. Additionally, choose an authentic heading.

SEO Title

Your SEO Title and Main Title should always be the same. It is the key to make a reader come to your content. Also, it should be authentic.


A slug should be small. It should not be of more than 5 words. Also, it should contain your Keyphrase. 

Meta Description

The major purpose of meta description is to invite the reader to the main content. It is the window that offers a glimpse of your overall content. If it won’t look tempting enough or won’t make sense to the reader, they would simply scroll down regardless of your content’s ranking. So, write those 2 lines wisely. It is clickbait that you won’t wanna mess up. 

Internal Link

Interlinking is perhaps one of the best ways to keep your visitor spending more and more time at your stop. So, use at least 3-4 links to your website’s previous blogs in each blog. 

External Link

External links make your reader arrive from another platform to your website. It also helps you grow backlinks. So, use at least 1 or 2 external links (link of other platforms). You can use dictionary links for complicated terms and so on. Also, you can offer a link to your Social Media Platforms. It will get you a chance to make your reader familiar with your social media presence. 


Use images that don’t have copyright claims. Otherwise, if you are applying for Google Ads, it would never get approved. You may use Free Image Websites like Pexels, Pixabay, etc. 

Additional Tips

Do check your competitor’s Content, Online Communities like influencers and bloggers. In addition to this, ask your reader. Time and again, create polls and quizzes to engage personally with your readers. Ask them about their content preferences. It will serve you well to create highly reachable content. 

So, these were some easy tips on how to do SEO for website step by step. Hope it will help you compose a fine article for your website.

Further, you may like reading 10 Interesting New Year Resolutions For 2021

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