Digital Marketing KPIs – How to Track Website Traffic

To understand the working process of Digital Marketing KPIs, it is essential to understand what exactly it is. Well, those who are indulged in digital marketing are aware of this tool. Yet for those who are unknown or are a beginner in this field; KPI stands for Key performance indicator. It’s a key that lets you analyze all the things happeningrwith your website. What’s working successfully and what isn’t? Everything is evaluated through this tool. Digital marketing KPIs offer flexibility about the overall business including customer behavior, your financial structure, and productivity. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a certain metric that is implemented for figuring out the performance of your website.

It’s the second step to increase the ROI (return on investment) of your website. It basically depends on your industry and business area; there are specific performance metrics that will have a huge impact on your business success than other businesses.

Talking about the tracking of website traffic through Digital Marketing KPIs, the following are the best ways that would help you to interpret your website traffic.

5 important factors to track your website with Digital Marketing KPIs

Website traffic Lead static

Website traffic leads to provide you with the status of how many leads have been converted successfully and these are probably possible because of the Digital marketing KPIs. It gives you the details of quality visitors or customers that reached your website and turned out fruitful your business. Conversion per site visit, landing page activities, and relevant visitors are the main factors that KPIs tracking.

Organic traffic of your website

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In this, KPIs helps you to track the organic traffic that visited your website based on a certain keyword. Keywords tell you that what the audiences are searching for, what their requirement is. What keywords are trending in your industry and upon this, the SEO section does its work through various tools that specify and let you know about the keywords search volume? Moz’s Keyword Explorer is the perfect tool that gives you appropriate results.

Email Marketing

Per day you get thousands of email yet you need to figure those emails that are of your benefits. So, here the digital marketing KPIs perform its work by allowing you to get all the emails that we increase your business strategy. It gives you understanding and deciding your goals or targeted audiences. The email marketing is precious in terms of KPIs tracking as it enables to set strategy for the new conversion that gives you the data of your business increment.

Social Media activity of your company

Social Media Activity as digital marketing KPIs informs about the interactions that take place with your social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. When they like your post or go ahead by sharing it or retweeting on Twitter then it promptly tells about the user’s engagement with all of your social media handles. All these engagements and activities of the social media users give you an estimated idea about the performance of your website. It accords about the traffic that your website gathers through social media postings.

Mobile traffic

In today’s era people are often busy on their mobile looking for all the necessary information. Ultimately they might reach to your website too. People look for emails; they manage the social media accounts on smartphones eventually carrying desktop on their palm. In order to track your website traffic with digital marketing KPIs, you will have to log into your Google analytics and then go to the “Audience” followed by this click on the mobile and then find the entire data. It will tell you which data and the device reached your website and looked for service from your company.


As you can observe, there are ample factors that need to be covered and considered while working on Digital Marketing KPIs to check the website traffic. Carelessly creating a website just for the sake of showing it off to the customers to grab their attention is not enough at all. To run it properly you precisely need to check on your website and monitor all the activities of your website. Inspect about your visitor’s engagement that what they are looking for. Through digital marketing KPIs, you will certainly gather all the information regarding your website traffic.

Doing so will give you an affirmative result and Google will fetch your website and company’s profile on the top in terms of Google rank. This will give you a good and genuine customer and take your business to the peak.

Hence, the above-mentioned points are a few approaches through which you can rack your website traffic. It will help you to take your website on point in the eye of targeted audiences.

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One comment

  1. Really good and new things to know. ..
    So detailed information ……did u work in the CID show of Sony channel…..Daya kuch to hai!!!!
    Great job.

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