10 Interesting New Year Resolutions For 2021 You Should Make!

What’s your plan for 2021? Get over workout plans and diet plans as today, we suggest you compel some other impressive and much healthier new year resolutions. These resolutions are not just good for your body but also for your contented living and a happy soul. And no we ain’t going to enlist boring and dull plans for you. This time we got you some really stimulating and refreshing ideas that will convince you to follow at least 5 of them. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started with something new year special.

Hop on-

1. Create a budget for yourself

In the past year people have faced financial problems so why not build a budget for yourself? This year, quit being a spendthrift. Before heading up for the day, keep pocket money for yourself, this will surely make you nostalgic too. Make a well-fixed plan about how and what amount of money you will spend in a day. Similarly, you can do it for the entire year as well.

2. Avoid lifts and take stairs in the new year

Yes, we promised you we ain’t going to mention the gym or workout but though a bit of exercise will be a good routine though. Thus, if you are lazy enough to workout you can contribute to your body by doing little things like opting for stairs instead of lifts and escalators. This will keep your blood circulation balanced and can be counted as a part of the exercise.

3. Treat yourself with tempting food once a week

Maybe you are diet freak and love eating veggies and low calories food but offering yourself delicious food once a week won’t be harmful. So friends, don’t trap yourself in the name of healthy food and gym. Stick to your plans but also fix a day for treating yourself with your favourite food.

4. Read books in this new year

Many of us have the desire to improve our English, don’t we? So we suggest reading a good book that provides your positivity and also lifts your fluency in English. Reading decent novels will also boost your knowledge of kinds of literature and culture. January would be a perfect month to snuggle into books. Okay then, get yourself recommendations for good reads right away!

5. Plan a low budget vacation

This is one of the top New Year Resolutions that we try to achieve every year but “Goa ka plan toh humesha hi cancel hota hai :(“. Well, as mentioned you can try outlining budgets and saving money from the 1st Jan itself and once in a year try for at least one low-budget plan with friends, family, or even alone. We suggest exploring underrated places that will be cheap too.

6. Drink water and eat fruits

In this challenging phase of life, where everyone is stressed with the pandemic, it is very crucial to keep yourself immune. Thus, drinking an appropriate amount of water and eating healthy fruits are the best option. Drinking water is a modest way of keeping yourself hearty and hydrated. No matter how much you eat junk foods, we suggest you not to skip fruits.

7. This New Year Read your holy books

In this digital and technologically forward time, we have forgotten our culture. Therefore, reading your holy book will bring you peaceful vibes. Also, holy books contain indirect solutions for all your problems so read with all your concentration and acquire tranquillity in every aspect.

8. Try Yoga and consider Therapy

In recent times, many people have understood the importance of mental health. Hence, go for yoga and try some therapies and mediation. This will keep your body internally fit and your mind in a lively state. Yoga is winning the heart with its blooming effects, so you should surely include in your new year’s resolution. Upon this, therapy and meditation specifically for your mind will be more than enough to matchup your goals.

9. Spend less time on social media

We totally agree that social media is a perfect source of entertainment but don’t you think its too much that we invest. Instead, do some productive things, spend your time with family, friends, and partner discussing some real happiness and sorrows of your life. Social media is good for a certain limit but nowadays, we are completely drowned into it, therefore, save yourself from drowning into the world of the social worm.

10. Provide yourself good air and sunlight

In the lockdown, we have lived enough of time packed inside our rooms. This year stay safe but don’t forget to offer some fresh good air and sunlight to yourself. Embrace nature, look outside your window, look into the sky and feel the bliss of this beautiful world.

Apart from the above resolutions, we have some more plans to enhance your new year. You can plant trees, join an NGO, donate clothes, maintain a diary and much more. There are many ideas that would please your in consciences but we suggest whatever you decide to ensure to stick around that and live your year and the rest of your life energetically.

Here’s wishing you a Happy-Happy New Year and wait, have you decided your New Year Resolutions yet? 😉

Further, you might fancy reading 7 Fun Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve!

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One comment

  1. I have already been doing the1st 2nd 3rd and 10th. I can start doing the 4th with the 7th . Matlab ki is baar resolution ki zaroorat nahi agle baar se pakka…..

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