Website and SEO – The Companions of Your Online Presence

SEO- search engine optimization, is one of the essential parts of digital marketing. If you have no in-depth knowledge about it, you are lagging behind. If you want your website to earn a soaring ranking, you need to understand the guidelines and the practices of SEO in the first place.

Remember, search engines (Google, Binge, Yahoo) always consider websites that offer relevant information to people. While content is the king of sites, SEO is the queen. You better please her.

If you are not adhering to the correct implementation of SEO, your website will go unnoticed, like the 97% of other websites on the internet. Hence, to convey to you a better understanding of SEO, we have composed FAQs on SEO.

Therefore, without any further due, let’s walk through some basic questions and answers on SEO that you must know for great content that eventually drives your website’s high ranking in the search engine index and brings you organic traffic and quality leads.

What is SEO?

When you begin, the first question that pops is – what is seo and how it works?

SEO or search engine optimization is a technique of improving a website’s search visibility across search engine platforms organically. In general, SEO helps the website get a high ranking on the search engine index and helps the site appear on the top when searched by a user. 

SEO targets various types of searches including, news search, image search, video searches, and other searches based on the specific industry. Some common practices associated with SEO include creating high-quality content, optimizing the website and its content around specific keywords, and building backlinks.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are all the words or sentences that you type on Google’s search bar. Keyword research is the most prominent component of SEO practices. It is through keyword research when you get to know about the most searches made by the people or an estimated idea of what people type into their search box. Further, according to those keywords, you create your SEO strategy so that you can include a particular phrase or term in your content to make your website visible on Google search.

With the dedicated work of figuring out your market’s keyword demand, you learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO and learn more about your customers as a whole.

You can categorize keywords into four parts based on the nature of the search which are –

  • Commercial keywords (Keywords that promote your services like – best SEO website, best SEO tool)
  • Informational keywords (keywords that solve query like what, how, why)
  • Navigational keywords (keywords related to a specific region like zoo in Delhi, cinema hall in Chennai)
  • Transactional keywords (keywords that create buying intent like – discount, deal, buy, coupon, free shipping)

In order to reach different sets of audiences, you must include all four types of keywords. It will broaden your chances to connect with a wider set of people across different searches.

Initially, you can choose an SEO tool of your choice and do keyword research around all the content that you are publishing.

Initially, you can choose keywords everywhere, it will not cost you a high amount and will help you find relevant keywords.

Additionally, don’t forget to add enough LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords to your content. In common words, LSI keywords are search terms related to the main keyword you are targeting.

Here’s why LSI keywords are very important for your website content.

What is Local Search?

Local search is the process of using a geographic tag. These can include a state, city, or zip code as part of the search. Local search is an effective way for search engines to acquire relevant and unique results for the brand, product, or service within a limited geographic area. 

For example: If a person searches- “Best Italian restaurant in Las Vegas,” and the results that appear are the local search.

What is On-page and Off-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the task you perform for your website, whereas off-page SEO means the task that deals outside of your website. On-page SEO includes factors like Alt text images, Headings (H1), title tags, URL structure, mobile responsiveness, internal linking, etc. 

Click here to read how to do SEO for website step by step

On the contrary, off-page SEO includes creating backlinks, guest postings, and social media posts. Both on-page and off-page SEO needs proper work to be done. Simply understand this as on-page SEO as the foundation of your house, while off-page SEO is the outer appearance of your house.

What is White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO?

White hat SEO means using approaches and techniques that target the audience authentically within the terms and conditions of SEO practices and Google algorithms. 

White hat SEO is performing with utmost ethics, and it typically includes keyword research, makes the proper use of it, relevant meta tags, creating unique and informative content.

In contrast, Black hat SEO is illicit, according to Google. Practicing these search engine optimization techniques can do good quickly but it doesn’t offer long-term fulfillment for your website.

It is done basically to get a fast ranking rather than focusing on the vision of sustainability in the market. Black hat SEO may also ban your website if caught by the search engines. The techniques of Black hat SEO include spamming, too much stuffing of keywords- breaking the rules of search engines.

What is Title and Meta description?

The title is the main thing that your audience notices. As with this, your audience will decide whether to open your provided link or not.

Also, titles are determined by search engines to determine how relevant it is for the audience. If your title is created under the SEO norms, it will help you rank, and Meta description is an overall idea of what your content is trying to convey and what the audience will get to learn from your website (article or blog). These two factors help search engines the context of your website. 

Therefore title and description should be relevant, and it should be created with the phrase and keywords and giving a short teaser of what your audience can expect from you.

Why do you need SEO for your business?

SEO is a crucial practice for marketing and sales of a business, and it assists you to prove your site to be worthy in front of Google and of its search or not. Hence, SEO is the modern way of telling your customers that your company exists in the market. 

Today, most people prefer searching their queries online rather than offline, and while making their searches, if they don’t find you, it means they found your competitors.

SEO keeps your brand, product or service in a better position; it keeps your website visible in the search engine. It gives you more traffic, more conversion, and ultimately more ROI.

When does SEO show its result?

SEO is a steady process; you can’t expect to see results overnight. Google and other search engines want SEO to follow authentic practices and authentication requires time and patience.

If you prioritize speed over sustainability, you’ll rank faster, but that falls under the unauthentic way, and it requires investment, but Google always wants to show the best result to many people searching queries.

With the right strategy and technique, SEO will take 4 to 6 months to show its result. There is no magic tool for SEO, and it takes time, strategy, expertise, and proper analysis to keep the ranking maintained.

Summing it Up

So, these were some of the basic yet most important questions and answers on SEO. Once you are clear with all these FAQs, you are all set to rule in the digital marketing world.

Further, you may like reading, Digital Marketing KPIs – How to Track Website Traffic

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