Unattached Zodiacs in a Relationship – Don’t Fall For Them

Most of us know our zodiac sign, and what it says about us, but how much do we actually know about the zodiac signs who are unattached when it comes to relationships? There are certain traits that are more common among those zodiac signs than others which can make it harder for them to stay in a committed relationship. By understanding the particular characteristics and qualities of these zodiac signs, we can gain a better understanding of why they may be unattached. Continue reading about these unattached zodiacs in a relationship.

Unattached Zodiacs in a Relationship

The air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, are most likely to be unattached in a relationship. Most air signs have a powerful independent streak and prefer freedom in any kind of relationship. They are innovative, creative, and always looking for a better way to do things. This can be a huge barrier for them entering into a committed relationship as they are not willing to make certain compromises or commitments.

The energy of the Aquarius sign is not always well received by others, as they can often come across as aloof and appear to prefer their own company to that of another. Relationships are hard to form with the Aquarius, as they can be quite set in their ways and not morally flexible.

The loyal nature of the Gemini can be difficult to handle, as they can easily become suspicious of others, and can drift away if someone seems to be too clingy or possessive. Finally, the Libra is very social and loves being in the company of others, but if they sense pressure in the relationship, they can be very quick to move on.

Independent & Stong-Willed Zodiacs

The Fire Signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius tend to be unemotional in a relationship. Aries is the most headstrong of the fire signs, and prefer action to patience. They are independent, strong-willed, and can be quite brash. When it comes to relationships, they prefer to lead and have difficulty dealing with compromising as it can feel like a loss of control to them.

Leo is the most romantic of the fire signs and loves to be in the spotlight. Inevitably, this can make it difficult for them to commit. Lastly, Sagittarius loves to explore and experience new things. The feeling of boredom comes easily to them easily when it comes to relationships.

They often go wherever their whims take them and may even end up walking away from solid, steady relationships. They have an immense need for freedom and independence.

Self-Contained Natures

The Zodiac Signs of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn often don’t wish to get sentimental in a relationship. They have a pragmatic and conservative nature. Therefore, these signs are all quite independent and enjoy structure and stability.

This can make them quite inflexible, and they may push away potential partners who may seem too spontaneous or unreliable. They also don’t tend to open up very easily and can find it hard to be vulnerable with their feelings.

As a result, it can be difficult for them to find someone who can match their level of commitment.


No matter what zodiac sign we are, it is important to be aware of our own traits. We must know how they can influence the way we form relationships. Understanding the qualities of the unattached zodiac signs can help us all to be more self-aware. It can also help us find a healthy relationship that is right for us.

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