Well, before proceeding with this piece of article I am quite nervous and at the same time hesitant. Why? Perhaps, because I am trying my dexterity for someone who is himself the creator of this whole wide and voluminous universe. Shiva, the power and the strength that is above and beyond the bounds of our thoughts. Lord Shiva has a huge influence on every one of us and so was for the king demon Ravana. Ravana was evil, malevolent, and vile. But, one of the most perceived attributes of Ravana is, he was the greatest devotee of Lord Shiva. Besides, being a tremendous disciple of Shiva, he was an apt vocalist too. Hence, he composed the dynamic and energetic chants “Shiva Tandava Stotram”.
Composition of Shiva Tandava Stotram
As cited, Ravana was an immense follower of Shiva. Thus, once he was heeding towards Lanka. In the midway, he met to the mystical Mount Kailasha (where Lord Shiva resides with Goddess Parvati). Since Ravana was King, he opted to climb the mount Kailash through his aircraft (pushpak vimaan) and tried to take Kailasha along with him to Lanka. After a lot of attempts, he failed to reach and amid his trial, he came across Nandi (Sevak of Lord Shiva).
Further, Nandi told that no stranger can climb the enrichment of Kailash Parvat and neither anyone has the power to move the transcendent mountain. Also, Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva were resting hence, Nandi insisted he to rather take another route.
This didn’t go well with the egoistic Ravana, therefore, he, in the exasperated and furious state trudged towards Kailash and tried to displace. Because of the resentful and impassioned efforts of Ravana, Kailash Parvat started to shake badly and this angered the almighty Shiva. He then crushed arrogant Ravana’s hand with his huge toe in order to teach him a lesson.
Thus, it is then when Ravana pleaded in front of Shiva with all his regret and ended up singing the powerful and the divine mantras which are now recited as Shiva Tandava Stotram. People believe that God stepped on Ravana’s hands for 14 days and throughout these days Ravana spontaneously composed this eulogy which consists of 1008 verses in Sanskrit and sang with all his solicit. Lord Shiva was all elated with Ravana’s adherence and devotion which manifestly concluded praises and blessings for Ravana.
Significance and Power
Shiva Tandava Stotram defines the virtue and effective potentiality of Lord Shiva. It beautifully elaborates on the strength of Bholenath. With its rhythmic layout and meaningful lyrics, it emerges as one of the most compelling stutis that are enumerated by the devotees of Shankara. Though Shiva Tandava Stotram is difficult to grasp yet once you know its meaning you can’t resist yourself from delving into the serene chants of Shiva. It brings prosperity, strength, grace, peace of mind, and everything that provides contentment to an individual. It is one of the best forms of meditation.
Lyrics of Shiva Tandava Stotram
Note: When you are anxious or find yourself destitute, It really blesses you with an enormous sigh and relief.
Feel the power and beauty of Lord Shiva listening to the tranquil Shlokas of Shiva Tandava Stotram
Om Namah Shivaya!
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Persistent with dreams and passionate about inscriptions. Gayetri is hysterically involved in writing, She treasures life and seeks to find beauty in whatever she is surrounded with. Celebrates Cinema, family, friends, and traveling!
Kya baat hai
Very well written “Om Namah Shivay”
Ye jag rahe ya na rahe.
Shiva Tandava Stotram humesa rahega