SAI Sanctuary: An Incredible story of building a Verdant Paradise

SAI Sanctuary, story of a two people and their undying love for nature.

When the nationwide lockdown began considering the covid19 outbreak, people started speculating various pros and cons for the same. And, one of the major attributes that were on the tabulation of people was a pollution-free environment. But wait! What did we do for creating a healthy and uncontaminated climate?

We just tweeted, shared posts, passed on judgments, etc.

Did any of us plant a little piece of organic shrub? I guess the percentage is below average or even Zero. The things we do for the contentment of nature hold nothing in front of a couple; who nurtured a whole wide private forest for preserving the greenery and species. Yes, a couple hoisted a rainforest and set the true example of an ardent nature lover and couple goals.

In the year 1991, Pamela Gale Malhotra and her husband Dr. Anil Malothra decided to own a private forest. And thus, the strong-will of this couple made them reach to Himalaya to buy a piece of land to initiate their promise. However, they were unsuccessful in buying the terrain. The acres they were getting were not enough in terms of establishing a forest.

Hence, they moved on to the southern part of the country. Eventually, they ended up buying 55 acres of barren land from the farmers. As for the farmers, they failed in taking the best care of that certain area due to heavy rainfall and for many more reasons. Thus, it pushed them to sell those 55 acres of field to the couple. Left with just a few plants, it was almost an empty field that turned into a green, leafy, and an absolute home for several animals.

The formation of SAI Sanctuary

It all started when Anil Malhotra met the love of his life Pamela gale in New Jersey in the 1960s. Then after, they moved to Colorado for their studies and the friendship grew into love when they realized that they have the same interest i.e. Nature, greenery, and animals. The milestone came into their life when they got married in 1976 and visited Hawaii for their honeymoon. There, they bought some land and started preserving organic vegetables and settled aptly.

Soon, they had to get back to India in the year 1986 when Dr. Anil’s father passed away. It was then, when they thought to buy a piece of land in the region of Uttarkashi, Himalayas (here, they also ran their NGO Himalaya Seva Dal). As mentioned, they failed to buy the land and they moved to South India. In Kodagu, the district of Karnataka they bought 55 acres of barren land and initiated their dream SAI Sanctuary, SAI stands for Save Animal Initiative.

Further, they proceeded for the tropical rainforest with few plants, and they allowed to naturally grow it. Well, nature favored to their ever so enthusiastic tenderness for animals and greenery. Now, it’s been more than 2 decades this magnificent 55 acre rolled out rainforest has extended to the 300-acre wildlife sanctuary. It is India’s first-ever private wildlife sanctuary consisting of varied species and numerous trees.   

What’s in the kingdom of SAI Sanctuary?

Unlike other couples, Anil and Pamela had a very unique desire that not just fulfilled their bucket list but also made good to mankind. They wished, they worked, and they achieved. Yes, the dream of setting up a vast tropical jungle so that the Animals can be saved and the trees can be preserved from these global crises, both husband and wife involved themselves with an open heart and bestowed this earth with numerous animals, floras, and trees.

This far-flung forest comprises of the river that provides dwell to discrete fishes, snakes, and other water-animals. It’s a home to wildlife animals including wild boar, Hyena, Leopards, Asian Elephants, Sambhar, Giant Malabar Squirrels, Bengal tigers, and many more. This ecosystem also endows beautiful chirping birds to fly in their own space. Apart from these, this woodland is also a farm to infinite numbers of organic vegetables, fruits, coffee, cardamom, and much more. It has everything that biodiversity must-have.

An Approach that everyone should follow

Pamela and Anil commenced this compassionate work without any funds from any of the organizations. They invested themselves and made it of their own. However, today it is registered as non-profit-organizations that work on donations and contributions. In a world, where a couple desires to have their luxurious paradise where they can live their life with utmost comfort, this adorable couple chose to build a green paradise to impart comfort to the entire humankind.

Both Pamela and Anil believes that our nature is in danger; therefore, it is much needed to take the best care of the same so that the future generation can lead their life restfully under the roof of adequate environment. This wonderful work has also given the glory to Pamela for receiving a Nari Shakti Purushkar in the year 2017. Their unmatchable determination and dedication certainly need to be followed by every one of us. Their passionate love for nature and animal is truly laudable and we should surely acquire passion from this wonderful couple.

BTW, aren’t they truly a couple goal?

These were some major points about the couple of SAI Sanctuary.

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