I don’t want this hair if your finger can’t caress it in the morning.
What would I do with this face if it can’t have your shoulders to rest it on?
I don’t want these eyes if I can’t gaze at your face every night.
What would I do with this mouth if I can’t taste your love?
I don’t want these ears if I can’t hear your voice.
What would I do with these senses if I don’t have this right?
I don’t want this voice if I can’t call your name.
What would I do with this neck if I can’t turn to your side?
I don’t want these arms if I can’t embrace your heart.
What would I do with these beats if they don’t remind me of your sight?
I don’t want these palms if I can’t touch your skin.
What would I do with this air if I can’t feel your breath at night?
Also, you may want to read You Are So Beautiful!
Also, you may like reading the poem – The Parallels & YOU
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