Readout why Harinder Sikka & his accusations need to be taken seriously

Ever since the stellar star Sushant died, a tide of debate or accusations keeps on escalating. The series of rebelism added one more fiery revelation by Harinder Sikka, who authored ‘’Calling Sehmat’’. During an interview with Republic TV, Sikka went on saying ‘’I wrote Raazi and this is proof against my name by Meghna Gulzar, it was written to me by Jaipur Litterature Festival’’. He then also made some serious allegation as to how he was removed from everything, and also his book was not allowed to be launched by Gulzaar in person. He also quoted that in his 35 years of tenure, he has never seen anybody bulldozing to remove one person. Let’s dig the details of his claims:

Yes… Sehmat came to India carrying pride on her face!

Raazi, a movie based on Indian spy and her applauding journey in Pakistan, is a brilliantly executed movie in recent times. Indian soil has created many heroes who are unheard and unsung. To express the extolment for the bravery of a spy named ‘Sehmat’, Sikka wrote a book on her. Later on, the story comes to the silver screen but with another climax. In reality, Sehmat was a proud Indian girl having roots in Kashmir and was married to a Pakistani Major by her father.

The whole incident dates back to the 1971 India-Pakistan war when the tension among the two countries was boiling. Sehmat provided some major information on Pakistan’s plan to sink INS Virat and thus, saved many lives. The film, however, works towards grey areas with some concrete dialogues that proved to be the silver lining.

As the movie moves towards the end, there is much contradiction that didn’t make any headlines then. Sehmat was seen crying and devastated in the movie which depicted her discomfort towards her duty. Not only that, but the movie also projects the Indian intelligence department in the bad light. In many ways, it showcases that Indian officials hold no accountability for their secret intelligence. On top of that, Sehmat got depressed and seen pleading to come back to India which is exactly opposite what happened in reality. Actually, Sehmat came to her nation with a happy face, saluting the flag as all the Indian spies do without any complaint or regrets.

Does this allegation address the elephant in the room?

From pulling the curtain away to expose the ugly truth of Bollywood to put the spotlight upon the lobby of mafias, Harinder Sikka has our praises! Why? Because his book ‘’Calling Sehmat’’ has another ending, just opposite what the movie shows. Not only did Meghna Gulzar hurt the sentiment of the writer by not giving him the due credits but also she projected the movie based on her imagination. Sorry to say, Ms. Gulzar, you just slaughtered the actuality in the name of creative liberation. Also, when you are making a movie on Indian Spy, you are not allowed to twist the plot. Just to appease your own idealogy and of course, your Pakistani audience.

The burning endless debates….

Not only Harinder Sikka but there are many big names of Bollywood who are targeting biggies in order to seek a change in the system. Not many days ago Abhay Deol had called out award functions for their unauthentic nature and fakeness.

To strengthen the thread of wars, Ranvir Shorey, Manoj Bajpayee, Amit Sadh, Chetan Bhagat, and many more voiced their loud and clear opinion. Many personalities from Bollywood shed some light on the real issue. While everybody is sharing the tale of injustice they faced, Ms. Ranout and Ms. Rohatgi took over the stage of war by storm. Let’s see what fruit this rebelism would yield eventually and how long it will go?

Some movements wait for a tragedy to come in the light. Be it Metoo movement or this ongoing debate on Movie mafias, every misfortune calls for a change. Hopefully, this bittersweet phase would come to a prosperous end!

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  1. Misguided content and monopoly of production hoses are rising day by day. Loved your stuff on breaking the monopoly and lobby of the Industry.

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