Here’s How You Can Cultivate Guest Confidence in COVID-19

Covid19 has shaken the entire world. This dreadful virus has affected every sector. From schools to universities, from startup companies to the multinational corporate industry everything has taken harm due to the ongoing pandemic. In one way, it may have given us the privilege to stay at home spending some quality time with our family and friends. Well, as it is said “The show must go on” hence, all sorts of works that we have been doing must not come to an end either. The lockdown has been lifted and festive season with the bliss of the new year is at our doorsteps. Many people would be planning to finally go on their planned vacation. So, in order to ensure the safety and maintenance of the trust chain, we have come up with a few ideas. Here are 5 Approaches that may cultivate guest confidence in Covid-19.

Guidelines for Covid-19

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak has hit the globe, there is an alarming fear of getting infected with it. Thus, tell your guest about all the safety measures and protocols that you have applied for their well-being and protection. Ensure them that staying at your hotel is as safe as their homes. You must have a brief section of COVID-19 guidelines on your website. Also, you can send an email to your customers at the time of booking, enlisting all the guidelines you are implementing in your hotel for their safety.

Create a subtle system

Forge a team of 5-7 people belonging to all the departments that you have. For instance, a skilled team from the front office department, customer support, housekeeping department, and so on. Oftentimes, it happens due to lack of co-ordination the hotel staff annoys the guests. It will hold the process subtle and stress-free for both the hotel staff and the client.

Resolve the guests’ issue

If you are welcoming guests in your hotel then resolving the issues is the foremost step. Make sure that they are not having any sort of trouble in your hotel. As this is a time when people are already frustrated with the COVID-19 outbreak hence, tiny issues in your hospitality may burst their temper. Thus, be flexible enough to look after them with commitment.

Explain to them your maintenance process

As you tell about the guidelines to your guests, likewise, brief them about the hotel maintenance as well. Explain how the staff has emphasized the cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitization in every nook of the hotel. Elaborating about your working process will build trust between your hotel and the guest. In addition to this, they might recommend your hotel to others if they are satisfied with your apt maintenance method.

Keep yourself active on social media platforms

In today’s time, the realm of social media is on the top of every platform. Updating informative posts and about your hotel’s hospitality will grab the attention of the guest that will conclusively boost your guest’s confidence. Create interesting infographic posts, which may draw the customers eyeball towards your hotel.

Hence, these were few tips that would cultivate guest confidence in Covid-19.

Note: Make all the necessary things like mask, sanitizer, effective soaps, and hand wash, etc available to them. Keep protocols for your cafeteria; allow a certain number of people at a time. Ensure about the social distancing in the lobby, gardens, and other areas. Also, let your guests know about these things through pamphlets or any other manner that is easy for you. This will surely keep them affirmative!

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