QUIZ- Teacher’s Day 2020- Which Popular Teacher Would You Be?

First thing first, Happy Teacher’s Day 2020!!

Who molds children? Who shapes all the good and skills in them? One word, a reflection of God himself, a Teacher.

We may have grown up but none of us wouldn’t like to go back to our school days. We can do anything to relive those days one more time. All the mischiefs and joy we had without worrying about the future was certainly a prolific phase that molded us in whatever we are today.

And the most eminent people that have handout their best in blooming us are our “Teachers”. They have nurtured us with all the goodness. Sometimes they have been boorish to teach us an effective lesson of discipline and morality. Sometimes they are childish like the way we were, sometimes behaving like a true friend to sort out our insecurities and many more. They played many characters to make us a civilized and educated individual.

Upon all these, to offer gratitude, a student is always excited for the teacher’s day. The occasion takes place annually in schools and colleges to offer respect to our beloved teachers. It marks as Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary. He was the first-ever vice- president of India and the second president of India. Teachers’ day is notably celebrated to pay him tribute and to also glorify the contribution of our teachers in shaping us in the pious path.

As a light yet the earnest gesture of respect, Inugum accords with exciting questions on Teacher’s Day 2020. So, Which Popular Teacher Would You Be? Take the quiz to find out-

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