Each Sun Sign and Their Lucky Days of the Week

Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And that really is genuine. One way to stay prepared for luck is to plan our activities on ideal days according to our zodiac signs. With that goal in mind, here is the list of lucky days for each zodiac sign. The idea here is to connect our choices and actions with days that work best for us.

Continue reading Lucky Days for each Zodiac Sign.

Monday – For Cancer 

Sure, Monday can be a bummer for many of us as it’s the start of a workweek at a job, and nobody is thrilled about it. However, Monday holds a lot of potentials and is symbolic of new beginnings. It is a perfect day for a fresh start and is also an optimal day for creating, dreaming, and listening to intuition.

Monday is the lucky day for Cancer. Being ruled by the moon, Cancers like to prioritize the waxing and waning of their emotions, and Monday is the ideal time to do that. This is an excellent day to work on your upcoming schedule, bring out your creative side and invest your time and money into something new.

Ideal Activities for Cancer on a Monday

Activities: Doing yoga, meditation, going for nature walks, making investments, hatching new ideas, creative writing, donating to a charity.

Colors: White and blue

Accessories: Silver, necklaces, cufflinks, and watches

Stones: Coral, sapphire, pearls, opals, and onyx

Tuesday – For Aries and Scorpio Signs

Tuesday can be a conceivably power-packed day. It’s ruled by the planet Mars, which represents perseverance, assertion, and healthy aggression. Tuesday also carries an energy of completion, and because of this feeling of finality, Tuesday is the perfect day to complete unfinished tasks and close the deals.

Tuesday is the lucky day for both Aries and Scorpio. Aries enjoys the forward thrust that Tuesday brings in. This day gives Aries a sense of determination and the ability to carry out a task to its final completion. Scorpios appreciate the feeling of willfulness and purpose that this day represents. Scorpios are determined in nature, and this is an excellent day for them to accomplish any task. 

Ideal Things to do for Aries and Scorpio on a Tuesday

Activities: Organising office or home, making new commitments, hitting up the gym, taking martial arts classes, finishing up lingering tasks.

Colors: Yellows, Oranges, and Reds

Accessories: Gold

Scents: Cedar, dragon’s blood, myrrh, rose

Stones: Ruby, Carnelian, garnet

Wednesday – For Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius

Wednesday is a complacent day with a theme of moderation, balance, and stability. This day is ruled by Mercury, which is symbolic of intelligence, communication, and agility. Mercury’s energy on a Wednesday makes it a perfect time to travel, socialize or take a soak in a think tank.

Wednesday is a lucky day for zodiac signs like Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius. Gemini utilizes the balance that Wednesday represents. Virgo appreciates the grounding effect and stability of this day. Aquarius enjoys the ease of communication that is often felt on Wednesday.  

Ideal Things to do for Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius on a Wednesday

Activities: Exercising, reading books, brushing on speaking skills, finalizing legal paperwork and contracts.

Accessories: Clothing that has feathers and bird images on it

Colors: Violets, purple and deep blues

Scents: Sandalwood, lavender, lemongrass

Flowers: Lilies, dandelions, and daffodils

Thursday – For Sagittarius and Pisces

Thursday is a day of optimism and anticipation. This day is governed by the planet Jupiter, which is symbolic of generosity, expansion, and personal growth. Jupiter and Thursday also stand for protection, abundance, and prosperity.

Thursday is the lucky day for Sagittarius and Pisces because both these signs are ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius appreciates how Thursdays lend themselves to expanding wisdom and to broadening horizons. Pisces value the harmony, stability, and receptivity that this day brings. Both signs enjoy a renewed sense of self-assurance and confidence that Jupiter brings forward on Thursdays.

Ideal Things to do for Sagittarius and Pisces on a Thursday

Activities: Learning a new language, securing financial accounting, taking a self-improvement class, gardening.

Colors: Yellows, Blues, and Reds

Accessories: Turquoise, lapis lazuli, and amethyst

Scents: Rose, Lime, Sandalwood, Mint, and Mongolia

Flowers: Carnations

Friday – For Taurus and Libra

Finally, it’s Friday! This is a day of love and celebration. It’s finally a free day after a busy work week, which is enough reason to celebrate. Another reason for the happy feeling of this day is its relationship with Venus. The day- is Friday, and the planet- Venus represents excitement, passion, satisfaction, and joy. 

Friday is linked to Taurus and Libra. Fridays give the feeling of well-being and acceptance that Taureans really enjoy. Libras also get excited over the energy of relationships and connection on this day. Socializing is at its peak with the Venus-ruled Friday. 

If you are a Taurus, Friday is your lucky day- you can throw a fabulous party, enjoy a happy meal, or don your favorite outfit on this day. And, if you are a Libra, the Venusian energy on this day will bring you balance and clarity. It is the perfect day for you to engage in decoration or creation.

Ideal things for Taurus and Libra on a Friday- 

Activities: Partying, spending some quality time with family and friends, doing some interior decorating, planning a romantic date, and practicing self-indulgence.

Colors: Rosy reds and bright green

Accessories: Diamonds, jade, emerald, or amethyst

Scents: Rose, jasmine, honeysuckle, lilac

Saturday – For Capricorn 

Saturday is ruled by Saturn, which emits a controlling and structured energy. Because Saturday is the cumulative result of all days prior to it, it is a good day to tie up loose ends from the week before.

Saturday is linked to Capricorns, who are hard-working and responsible people. They are ruled by their stern, fatherly planet, Saturn. This sign appreciates a proper plan for meeting goals that Saturday tends to facilitate. All signs do benefit from this energy, but Capricorn will feel the results more distinctly.

If you are a Capricorn, Saturday is the day when you can really get your things done. Your desire to be productive at work will really thrive on this day and allow you to stroke the finishing touches on any last-minute goals before the next week begins. As a fixed and cardinal sign, you have a strong desire to finish the week properly and to ensure that you don’t overlook any opportunities – which are everything that Saturday stands for.

Ideal things for Capricorn on a Saturday

Activities: Gardening, fulfilling commitments, completing unfinished homework, maintaining homes and vehicles.

Colors: Indigo, black, and brown

Accessories: Scale patterned and dragon skin

Scents: Thyme, Pine, and Juniper

Sunday – For Leo 

Sunday is governed by the sun, which is symbolic of life, energy, and expression. This is a day that stimulates our senses and induces vitality. 

Sunday is linked to the feisty and bubbly Leos, who are ruled by the Sun. The influence of Sunday’s energy stimulates Leos and urges them toward self-expression. This is a magnificent day to do something adventurous, which includes self-indulgence. 

This is the perfect day for your creativity or set exciting new goals for the week ahead. You are likely to be acknowledged for your accomplishments last week. As the zodiac leader, your enthusiasm for the upcoming week positively influences others to step into the following days with confidence and optimism.

Ideal Things for Leo on a Sunday-

Activities: Gardening, sightseeing, self-indulgence, family activities, socializing with friends.

Colors: Warm colors like yellow, orange, red, and amber

Accessories: Gold

Scents: Citrus, Rosemary, Clove, and Cinnamon

Flower: Sunflowers

Concluding Remarks:

Luck can exhibit in many ways; it does not only mean getting windfalls of cash. Luck can present itself as a beautiful art creation, a new job, a delicious meal, or even a moment of gratitude. 

It depends on various factors, including the movement of planets and the natal chart. Certain days of the week are more harmonic and energizing for certain signs. Also, it is better to engage in the ideal activities on any given day – whether it’s your zodiac sign is lucky day or not.

Also, you may like reading Zodiac Signs As Boyfriend Ranked From Best to Worst.

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